Appendix D IBM ProPrinter 4207, 4208 XL 24 Quick Reference
**) only CI - 4040, CI - 4050, and CI - 4070
*) only CI - 4050
***) only CI - 4070 and CI - 4080
Table 3 (Cont.): Vertical Form Handling
Escape Sequence Mnemonic Function
ESC ] Reverse Line Feed
ESC ] > s IF Insert Form
Native Command
ESC [ > P1 ; P2 ; P3 ; P4 s SPSIF Select Paper Source and Insert
Native Command Form, Print Gap, Paper Exit, Cut-Mode
(any parameter > or P may be skipped, see
following alternative command sequences);
> = Insert Form
ESC [ P1 s SPS Paper Source:
Native Command P1 = 0 : Manual Feed **)
P1 = 1 : ASF, Bin 1 *)
P1 = 2 : ASF, Bin 2 *)
P1 = 3 : ASF, Bin 3 *)
P1 = 6 : upper Tractor ***)
P1 = 7 : Tractor Feed (lower Tractor)
P1 = 8 : ASF, Bins 1 or 2 *)
P1 = 9 : ASF, Bins 2 or 3 *)
P1 = 1 0 : ASF, Bins 1 or 2 or 3 *)
P1 = 1 5 : upper and lower tractor ***)
ESC [ ; P2 s AGC/PCC Procedure:
Native Command P2 = 0 : Automatic Gap Control
P2 = 1 : Print Gap for 1-ply copy
P2 = 2 : Print Gap for 2-ply copies
P2 = 3 : Print Gap for 3-ply copies
P2 = 4 : Print Gap for 4-ply copies
P2 = 5 : Print Gap for 5-ply copies
P2 = 6 : Print Gap for 6-ply copies