Appendix E EPSON LQ 2550 and ESC/P2 Quick Reference
Table B-5: (Cont.) Horizontal Form Handling and Printing Modes
Escape Sequence Function
ESC D P1 P2 . . . P32 NUL Set Horizontal Tabs
P1 ... P32 = tab position (Pn = 0/1..F/F)
ESC E Select Emphasized Printing (bold)
ESC F Cancel Emphasized Printing
ESC G Select Double Strike Printing (bold)
ESC H Cancel Double Strike Printing
ESC M Select Elite (12 cpi)
ESC P Select Pica (10 cpi)
ESC Q P1 Set Right Margin (P1 = 0/3 ... F/F)
ESC S P1 Select Superscript/Subscript
P1 = 0/0 or 3/0 : select Superscript
P1 = 0/1 or 3/1 : select Subscript
ESC T Cancel Superscript/Subscript
ESC U P1 Cancel/Select Unidirectional Printing
P1 = 0/0 or 3/0 : cancel Unidirectional
P1 = 0/1 or 3/1 : select Unidirectional
ESC W P1 Cancel/Select Double Width
P1 = 0/0 or 3/0 : cancel Double Width
P1 = 0/1 or 3/1 : select Double Width
ESC a P1 Select Justification
P1 = 0/0 : select left justification
P1 = 0/1 : center between margins
P1 = 0/2 : select right justification
P1 = 0/3 : select full justification