Sawgrass Technologies, Inc. SubliJet IQ
Getting Started Guide for the EPSON Stylus D88
Group 3 – Printer Options
Utilities – Click this button to display a utilities screen. From the utilities
screen you can print a nozzle check pattern, run a print head
cleaning cycle, align the printer’s print head, spool a PowerDriver
IQ™ print file to the printer, and print a page of primary ink colors.
QC Utilities – Click this button to display a Quick Connect utilities
screen. From the QC utilities screen you can print a nozzle check
pattern, run a print head cleaning cycle, and prime a Sawgrass Quick
Connect System.
Help – This will display a help dialog box for an easy overview of the
PowerDriver IQ driver functions and settings. It also contains a link
to the Sawgrass Technologies website.
Register – If the PowerDriver IQ product has not been registered, click
this button for instructions on how to register the product and unlock
all the features.
Input Profile – This option allows you to specify an input profile that the
driver will use when color correcting your image. If you are printing
scanned artwork and your scanner manufacturer provided ICC
profiles for your scanner model, select the profile here In order to
install a profile on your machine, locate the profile on your machine
using Windows Explorer. (PowerDriver IQ supports both ICC and
ICM profile types). Right click on the profile file name and select