View menu
This menu lets you control the appearance and content of the
EPSON Status Monitor 2 window and the Installed Printers list.
Click the View menu on the EPSON Status Monitor 2 window
to access the following settings:
T Toolbar/Status
Displays or hides the toolbar and status
bar in the EPSON Status Monitor 2
T Large icon
/Small icon
Changes the size of the printer icons
appearing in the Installed Printers list.
T List Displays only the printer name in the
Installed Printers list.
T Details Displays the printer name, status, and
jobs waiting to print in the Installed
Printers list.
T Refresh Updates the status information shown
in the Installed Printers list.
Settings menu
This menu allows you to control the Status Monitor’s
monitoring interval and background monitoring feature, as
well as add and delete printers from the Installed Printers list.
Peony Rev.C
A5 size Chapter 5
98/01/07 pass 4
5-6 Using EPSON Status Monitor 2