Help menu
Choose Help Topics from this menu to get online help about
the Epson Status Monitor 2. Click About to view the Status
Monitor’s version number and copyright information.
Many of the commands available on the EPSON Status
Monitor 2 window menus can be accessed directly by clicking
the buttons on this toolbar. If you point to a toolbar button,
the corresponding menu command appears briefly on your
screen, and an explanation of the button’s function appears in
the status bar at the bottom of the EPSON Status Monitor 2
Using the Printer Status window
The Printer Status window shown below provides detailed
information on the status of a selected printer. To open it,
double-click a printer in the Installed Printers list, or select the
printer and then choose Printer Status from the Printer menu of
the EPSON Status Monitor 2 window. You see this window:
Peony Rev.C
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5-8 Using EPSON Status Monitor 2