Font enhancement
Select condensed printing SI
Cancel condensed printing DC2
Select double-width printing (one line) SO
Turn double-width printing on/off ESC W 1/0
Cancel double-width printing (one line) DC4
Turn double-height printing on/off ESC w 1/0
Select double-strike printing ESC G
Cancel double-strike printing ESC H
Select superscript printing ESC S 0
Select subscript printing ESC S 1
Cancel superscript/subscript printing ESC T
Select line/score ESC ( - nn
Turn underline on/off ESC - 1/0
Select character style ESC q n
Set intercharacter space ESC SP n
Define unit ESC ( U nn
Character handling
Assign character table ESC ( t nn
Select character table ESC t n
Select an international character set ESC R n
Define download character ESC & nn
Copy ROM to RAM ESC : 0 n 0
Select user-defined set ESC % n
Enable printing of upper control codes ESC 6
Enable upper control codes ESC 7
Print data as characters ESC ( ^ nn
Bit image
Selection and printing of bit image ESC * nn
Select graphic mode ESC ( G nn
Print raster graphics ESC . c v hm
Ktwk Rev.B
A5 size Appendix C
97/12/10 pass 0
Command Summary