36 How to Set Up the Print Server
User’s Guide Rev.C
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Proof Sign-off:
KOW M. Arai H. Tomizawa
K. Nishi
NOC K. Lee
Installing EpsonNet MacAssist
Follow the steps below to install EpsonNet MacAssist.
1. Insert the Software CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Mac OS 8.x to 9.x:
Double-click the EpsonNet MacAssist folder, and then the
EpsonNet MacAssist Installer icon.
Mac OS X:
Double-click the Mac OS X folder, and then the EpsonNet
MacAssist folder, and then the EpsonNet MacAssist Installer
When the authentication dialog box to assign administrator rights
appears, enter the user name and password, and then click OK.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
4. Restart your computer.
Mac OS 8.x to 9.x:
The MacAssistxxx folder, which contains the EpsonNet
MacAssist icon and the EpsonNet MacAssist EasySetup
icon, is created in the Applications folder.
Mac OS X:
The EpsonNet MacAssist OSX x.xx folder, which contains the
EpsonNet MacAssist for OS X icon and the
EpsonNetMacAssistOSXEasySet icon, is created in the
Applications folder.