Solutions for IBM and Compatibles
If you suspect that your computer or software is causing a problem,
consult your users manuals for those products. Some problems may
arise when using operating system commands or writing your own
programs in the computer’s resident language. Some general advice for
IBM PC and compatible users is offered in this section.
IBM PC BASIC Solutions
IBM PC BASIC inserts a carriage return and line feed (CR-LF) after
each 80 characters you send it. It also adds a line feed to each carriage
return included explicitly in an LPRINT statement. Use the BASIC
statement WIDTH LPRINT 255 to remove this problem. The 255 is a
special number that prevents the computer system from inserting a
CR-LF into the line unless there is one in your program.
The extra line feed character is usually no problem, unless you want
to send ASCII code 13 on its own as part of a graphics statement or a
character definition. To do this, use the OPEN statement to assign a file
number to the printer (LPTI:) and use the PRINT# statement in place of
LPRINT You also need to use a slightly different WIDTH statement. To
prepare the printer in this way use a line like this:
100 OPEN "LPT1: AS 81 : WIDTH #l, 255
A third problem exists with IBM PC BASIC release 2.0. This version
cannot send ASCII code 26 (1A hex) either with LPRINT or with
PRINT #. Try to avoid including this code in your programs.
Maintaining Your Printer
Always keep the printer in a clean and safe place. Keep it away from
dust, grease, moisture and anv source of heat, including direct sunlight.
A safe temperature range is 5°C to 35°C (40°F to 95°F).
If the outer case is dirty clean it with a soft, clean cloth dampened
with mild detergent dissolved in water. Keep the dust cover in place to
prevent any water from getting inside the printer Do not use a hard
Problem Solving and Maintenance