Command descriptions
and definitions of terms are not
indexed here.
For page references for specific commands, see pages A-4 - 6 or the
Quick Reference Card. For definitions of terms, see the Glossary.
American Standard Code for
Information Interchange, 4-2 - 3
Application programs, 4-1 - 12
setting up, 4-1 - 4
ASCII. 4-2 - 3
chart, B-1 -2
Auto line feed, 2-15
Automatic sheet feeder, 3-1
Bail. paper, 1-2, 1-1 2
BASIC, 4-11 - 12
Baud rate, 2-14
Beeper. D-3
Bit image graphics. See Graphics
Buffer. F-1-2, G-1
Buttons 1-6 - 9
SeiecType, 2-1 - 2
Buzzer. See Beeper
Carbon copies, 3-1, 3-8
Centronics, 1-15
CG (Character Generator)
4-10, 5-7-9
graphic tables, 2-1 5-7, B-6-7
download. 5-8
italic tables, 5-8, B-5
Change Macro mode, 2-3 - 4,
2-8- 12
save macro, 2-1 1 - 12
Change Defaults mode. 2-3, 2-8
Character widths, 5-1 - 6
Choosing a place for printer, 1-3
Cleaning, D-7 - 8
Color option, 1-3, 5-9
Commands, A-4 - 35
by function, A-7 - 35
in numerical order, A-4-6
Commercial programs, 4-1 - 12, 6-1
setting up, 4 -1-12
Computer-printer communications,
Computer-printer connections,
1-15- 16
Condensed printing, 5-3
Control codes. 4-2
Control keys, A-3
Control panel. 1-6-9, 2-2
current settmgs, 2-6. 2-8- 10
changing, 2-10-12
Cut sheet feeder. See Automatic
sheet feeder
Data dump. See Hex dump
Decimal numbering system, 4-3
sending commands. 4-11
Default settings, 1-6, 2-13, E-1 -2
options, 2-13
Default macro. 2-4, 2-13, 2-14
changing, 2-15-17
Defaults, preset. 2-13
DIP switches. 1-7, 2-1
Double-strike. 3-6
Double-width printing, 5-5 - 6
Draft, 1-8. C-3
Dust cover. 1-1