Note that these definitions apply specifically to printers. If a
word is italicized, see that topic for more information.
Application program
Software designed to perform a specific task, such as word
processing or accounting.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A
standardized coding system for letters and symbols used by nearly
all manufacturers of computers, printers, and software.
Baud rate
A measure of the speed of data transmission. Usually equivalent
to bits per second.
Bidirectional printing
Printing in which the print head goes from left to right only on
every other line. On the other lines it goes from right to left. This
increases the speed of the printing because the head prints in both
See Number systems
A binary digit (0 or 1). The smallest unit used by a printer or
computer. See also Number systems.
Carriage return
A control code that returns the print position to the left margin.
In bidirectional printing the print head may not actually move to
the left margin.
A print width approximately 60% of the width of standard
characters. For example, condensed 10 pitch has 17 characters per
inch (cpi).