Selecting Typestyles
Condensed mode
In addition to the three pitches and proportional spacing, you can
also use the condensed mode to change the character size. In
condensed mode, characters are approximately 60% of the width of
normal characters; so it is very useful for spreadsheets and other
applications where you need to print the maximum amount of
information on a page. Both 10 and 12 CPI and proportional can be
condensed; 15 CPI cannot.
To select condensed mode, simply press the CONDENSED button so
that the orange indicator light comes on. To turn off condensed mode,
press the button again.
The following printout compares normal 10 and 12 CPI with
condensed 10 and 12 CPI.
This is 10 CPI printing.
This is condensed 10 CPI printing,
This is 12 CPI printing.
This is condensed 12 CPI printing,
If SelecType does not work
Some application programs are designed to control all typestyle
functions. These programs cancel all previous typestyle settings by
sending certain software commands before printing. Because these
commands cancel SelecType settings, you should use the program’s
print options function instead of SelecType to select your typestyles.
Therefore, if SelecType does not work with a particular application
program, consult its manual on how to select typestyles.