More Print Control Commands
It may take a little practice to get the paper positioning perfect. We need to be
able to do it right, especially for matching lines and boxes on pre-printed forms
such as invoices, bills of sale, purchase orders and the like.
Some users find it easier to position the paper in the ball park, then finish
positioning by reference to the match mark on the pin feed holder, one of the
tractor pins, something else that moves with the paper, or some point over
which the paper travels. Practice will make perfect.
77 mm
Figure 3-3
Once the paper is in position, cycle the printer OFF, then on again. This
electronically sets the top of form memory (known in the biz as TOF) at the
current paper position, Despite what follows, the printer always remembers
where the top of the next sheet of paper is, even if WE don’t. It has a memory
like an elephant.
Type in this new program:
9 PR #l
20 FOR N = 1 TO 66
49 PR #0
and RUN.
(Apple only)
(Apple only)
Well, that was singularly unexciting. What did it tell us? Where is the top of the
next form?
1. It told us that the paper length is EXACTLY 66 rows. No more and no
2. Since the numbers all line up in a nice column, and there’s no vertical
spacing between them, the printer does not automatically insert mar-
gins at the top or bottom of a page.