Chapter 3
Now we are all on the same channel, and the printer hasn’t forgotten where the
Top Of Form belongs.
When the floor is strewn with paper and the point has been made, you may hit
CTRL-C, (or BREAK) and let a silent smile creep across your ugly puss.
Success is sweet, eh Crock! (CRUNCH!)
Suppose we’re not using full 66 line forms. When’s the last time you got a
statement on a sheet of paper that big? Oh really? And it started out “Greetings
from the President . . ."? Well, anyway.
Let’s suppose we’re printing on forms that are only half that size, 33 lines per
sheet. How do we set the Form Feed to automatically go to a form that isn’t 66
lines long? Tho’t you’d never ask. (Tho’t we’d never get here!)
<ESC> “C” sets the scene for us to set the form length. Add line 10:
10 PRINT CHR$ (27) "C" CHR$ (33);
<ESC> “C” followed by CHR$ (##) establishes how many lines are to be on
the form - the Form Length. It also resets the Top Of Form to the current print
head position, so be careful when using it. The form length can be from 1 to 127
lines long. We will set it to 33. The semicolon at the end of Line 10 delays the
inevitable LF until the program ends.
Set the paper to the top of a sheet again and RUN for several sheets. Remark-
able! All this fussing and stewing really does pay off.
There’s not a lot more to say about FF and LF. It’s easy to let them draw us into
trouble, yet the trouble is so easy to avoid. If the very concept is giving you
problems, go back and restudy the HOMESPUN PHILOSOPHY, then start
this chapter over again from the beginning.
Horizontal Tabs
Type in this simple NEW program:
9 PR #1
= 5 TO