Chapter 6 Problem Solver 129
Epson India Head Office - Bangalore:
Epson India Regional Offices:
Toll Free Telephone Support
To learn more about Epson products or to avail service support,
please call 1600 440011. This is a toll-free number and can be
accessed (9 A.M to 9 P.M) anywhere in the country.
Phone: 5321266 (14 Lines)
Fax: 5581439/5321095
Mumbai Phone: 28261516-17
Fax: 28257287
Delhi Phone: 26447201/02/03/04/07/09
Fax: 26447205
Chennai Phone: 28203940/41 -- 8218658/59
Fax: 28272463
Kolkata Phone: 22831589/90
Fax: 22831591
Hyderabad Phone: 55331738/39
Fax: 55328633
Cochin Phone: 2357638/2356652
Fax: 2357950
Pune Phone: 4335460/90 Ext 214
Fax: 4330881
Ahmedabad Phone: 6407176/77
Fax: 6407347