Chapter 4 Printer Software 48
EPSON Status
Monitor 3
Youcan access EPSON StatusMonitor 3when you
clickthisbutton.Tomonitor the printer,make sure the
Monitor the printingstatus checkboxisselected.
Clickthisbutton to open the MonitoringPreferences
dialog box where youcan make settings for EPSON
StatusMonitor 3.
Paper/OutputCheckthe Paper Size,Orientation,and Paper Source
settings you made on the Page Setupmenu and
change them if necessary. Selectthe settingand
then choose an optionfrom the Change Settinglist
Halftone Clickthisbutton to setthe brightness and contrast,
inputtheRGBgamma,or make other settings. The
Halftone Color Adjustment dialog box appears. For
details, clickthe Help buttoninthis dialog box.
HalftoningSelectthe type of halftoningtouse when printing
graphics. To letthe printer determine the best
halftone quality, use Auto Select.
Printer Fonts
Selectacharacter tablegrouptouse.Youcan select
one of three character table groups, Standard,
Expanded,and None (BitImage printing).
When Standard or Expanded isselected,the printer
usesthedevice fonts. Expanded includesmore fonts
than Standard.
When None isselected,the printer usesbitmap
images instead of thedevice fonts.
Fordetails on thefonts whichare included in each
table,see “Electronic” on page 150.
Settings Explanations