EPSON Stylus RIP takes a long time before printing
starts 5-4
Your printouts contain incorrect fonts or jagged type 5-4
The printer is producing pages containing illegible
type or characters 5-5
Images and type look bitmapped and jagged on your
printouts 5-5
You see Font not found or Find font error messages
(Macintosh) 5-6
One or more colors are missing in your printout or
it prints in black ink only 5-6
Your printed output has white lines 5-7
Bitmap images or clip art looks jagged 5-7
You’re having trouble printing from PageMaker 6.0
or 6.5 (Windows) 5-7
EPS and TIFF files do not print 5-7
Your printout has misplaced images or type 5-8
Printed images are clipped at the edges 5-8
Your Macintosh freezes when you try to print from
QuarkXPress 5-8
Your Macintosh loses custom page sizes when
selecting PDF file output from QuarkXPress 3.3x 5-8
Nflight.bk Page vi Friday, September 1, 2000 8:32 AM