
FS-8700-86 Carrier DataPort Page 9 of 32
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4.4.4. Map Descriptor Example 1 – Read
This example illustrates how to read data from the DataPort.
Some basics first: The Map Descriptor is connected to a node by means of the node name and a node definition provides a connection to a port.
Thus this Map Descriptor is connected to a port via its node. The FieldServer will use that port to send this poll. The poll will be generated every 5
seconds in this example.
The values extracted from the response will be stored in the array called DA_DISPLAY. Ensure that it is suitable format for storing number –
FLOAT is suggested. The driver stores the value of the 1
element at offset 1, the 2
element at offset 2 ….and the driver stores the number of
table elements whose values have been successfully stored at offset zero.
// Client Side Map Descriptors
Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, Length, Scan_Interval
Read_Table_Md , Da_Display , 0 , Rdbc , FAN01 , 100 , 5.0s
Responses get
stored in this Data
Array. Table
element x gets
stored at offset x,
where x is a non-
zero integer.
Offset zero is used
by the driver to
report how many
value were stored.
The driver
generates a read
poll continuously.
The Node_Name
connects the Map
Descriptor to a
Node definition.
The length is set
to a number big
enough to contain
all the table’s