
Menu Field Options Default Description
C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s
Life Bo ok 6 0 0 Series from F uj i tsu
Table x-xx
Exit Saving Ch a n ge s : Sel ecting Exit Saving Ch a n ges wi ll store all the en tries on every
m enu of the setup uti l i ty to the BIOS mem o ry and then exit the
s e tup uti l i ty.A con firm a ti on message Save Configuration
Changes and Exit Now? [Yes] [No] wi ll be displayed .
Exit Discarding Changes:
Selecting Exit Discarding Changes will exit the setup utility with
out writing to the BIOS memory. When the BIOS recognizes this
selection it will load the operating system and begin operation. A
message Warning Configuration Changes have not
been saved. Save before exiting? [Yes] [No]
will be displayed.
Load Setup Defaults:
Selecting Load Setup Defaults will load the factory preset
default values for all menu fields, then display the message
Setup Confirmation Load default configuration?
[Yes] [No] When confirmed the setup utility will return to
Exit Menu. To return to another menu follow the directions in the
Navigating Through the Setup Utility Section. (See page 57.)
Table 3-19 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Exit Menu.