
Type: Auto; None; [Auto] Allows you to configure the interface for almost any drive. When
CD-ROM; User. Auto is selected the BIOS detects the control parameters from the
drive itself and displays them. The user can not change any of the
other menu items when Auto is selected. The None selection is to
use if there is no drive connected to that Adapter. No parameters
are displayed. The CD-ROM selection lets you set the parameters
that are displayed. The User selection lets you set the parameters
that are displayed except the total capacity which is detected
and displayed.
Cylinders: (Available to A number between Sets the number of cylinders for the drive. This field can be
change only when Type = 0 and 65,535. changed by incrementing (pressing the Spacebar or Hyphen key
User. Displayed when or by typing in the number.
Type =Auto and a
hard drive is detected.
Not displayed for
other selections.)
S e c t i o n T h r e e
Menu Field Options Default Description
Table 3-2 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Master Adapter Submenu