Chapter 3 System Configuration 25
If you are using an external NTP server for the domains, refer to the xntpd(1M) man
page or to the Solaris OS documentation collection for information on creating the
ntp.conf file for each domain.
SNMP Service
A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent can be configured and
enabled on the Service Processor. The Service Processor SNMP agent monitors the
state of the system hardware and domains, and exports the following information to
an SNMP manager:
■ System information such as chassis ID, platform type, total number of CPUs, and
total memory
■ Configuration of the hardware
■ Dynamic reconfiguration information, including which domain-configurable units
are assigned to which domains
■ Domain status
■ Power status
■ Environmental status
The Service Processor SNMP agent can supply system information and fault event
information using public MIBs. SNMP managers, for example, a third-party
manager application, use any Service Processor network interface with the SNMP
agent port to communicate with the agent. The SNMP agent supports concurrent
access from multiple users through SNMP managers.
By default, the SNMP agent uses version 3 (v3) of the SNMP protocol. SNMP v3 is
secure, requiring an authentication protocol, authentication password, and
encryption password. The valid authentication protocols are MD5 and SHA (secure
hash algorithm). You can also configure your server to accept earlier SNMP versions
1 and 2.
The SNMP agent includes the v3 utilities for user management, the User Security
Model (USM), and for view access control, the View Access Control Model (VACM).
You can change the configuration of SNMP agent traps, USM user accounts, and
VACM information.
Initial SNMP v3 configuration includes:
1. Creating USM user information
2. Creating VACM access control information (group, view, and access)
Using VACM requires a basic knowledge of SNMP and MIBs. Refer to the Solaris
System Management Agent Administration Guide and to the SPARC Enterprise
M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide for information.