60 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Administration Guide • November 2007
Backup and Restore Operations
For domain backup and restore operations, refer to your backup software
documentation for instructions. The Solaris OS documentation collection also
contains information on backup and restore operations.
Dynamic Reconfiguration
Dynamic reconfiguration allows you to add or remove PSBs from system domains
without stopping the Solaris OS. You can use dynamic reconfiguration to
redistribute your system resources by adding or removing system boards as needed
or to replace failed system boards with new ones. For more information, refer to the
Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide and to the Service Manual.
XSCF Shell Procedures for Domain
This section describes these tasks:
■ To Specify the XSB Mode
■ To Set Up a Domain Component List
■ To Assign an XSB to a Domain
■ To Power On a Domain
■ To Display System Board Status
■ To Access a Domain From the XSCF Console
▼ To Specify the XSB Mode
1. Log in to the XSCF console with platadm or fieldeng privileges.
2. Type the setupfru command:
mode can be either 1 to specify a Uni-XSB or 4 to specify a Quad-XSB; sb is
the system board device, and location is the location of the device, a number from
XSCF> setupfru -x mode sb location