C141-E124-01EN3 - 50
3.1.15 REQUEST SENSE (03)
0 X‘03’
1 LUN 00000
2 00000000
3 00000000
4 Transfer Byte Length
5 000000FlagLink
This command transfers sense data to the INIT. This command is executed immediately without
queueing in a system which issues only commands with no tags or links.
The length of the sense data in the IDD is 48 bytes. The "Transfer byte length" field in the CDB
indicates the number of bytes of sense data which can be received by the INIT. The IDD transfers
sense data to the INIT by either of the following two methods, depending on the specification in
the CHANGE DEFINITION command (SCSI level). Furthermore, see Section 3.1.4 (SCSI Level)
concerning the CHANGE DEFINITION command.
x If the SCSI-3/SCSI-2 mode is specified in the CHANGE DEFINITION command, the
IDD transfers the number of bytes of sense data specified in the "Transfer byte length"
field or the number of bytes in the sense data held by the IDD (48 bytes), whichever is
smaller, to the INIT. When zero is specified in the "Transfer byte length" field, this
command is terminated with nothing transferred, but in this cases also, the sense data held
by the IDD are cleared.
x If SCSI-1/CCS Mode is specified in the CHANGE DEFINITION command, when zero is
specified in the "Transfer byte length" field, the IDD transfers to the INIT only 4 bytes of
sense data, from the top. When a value other than zero is specified in the "Transfer byte
length" field, the IDD transfers to the INIT the number of bytes of sense data specified in
the "Transfer byte length" field or the length of sense data held by the IDD (48 bytes),
whichever is smaller.
As described in Section 1.6 "Sense Data Hold State," if the IDD terminates a command which it is
currently executing abnormally, it generates sense data for the INIT that issued that command and
maintains those sense data in the hold state.
Sense data are held in a valid state until they are read by a REQUEST SENSE command from the
INIT for which they are held. However, sense data which are being held are cleared by an
ABORT TASK SET message from the INIT for which they are held, a TARGET RESET message
or CLEAR TASK SET message from any INIT, or a RESET condition.
If a command is terminated with a CHECK CONDITION status, when the SCSI bus enters the BUS
FREE phase unintentionally during execution of a command, or when the INIT detects that there is no
reconnection request from the IDD, the INIT should issue this command and fetch the sense data.