C141-E124-01EN 3 - 7
Bque CmdQue Description
0 0 No command queuing of any kink supported
0 1 Command queuing with all types of task tags supported
1 0 Basic task set model supported
1 1 Illegal combination of BQue and CmdQue bits
- VS (Vendor specific):
Not defined [0]
x SCSI-2 mode
[Byte 3]
- AENC (Asynchronous event notification capability):
Asynchronous condition notify function [0]
- TrmIOP (Terminate I/O process):
[Byte 6]
- DualP (Dual port):
Dual port function [0]
- Port:
Connection port, '0'= connect to port A [0]
'1'= connect to port B
Use the ACKB and REQB signals with the B cable or the Q cable [0]
- Addr32 (Wide SCSI address 32):
32 bit SCSI addressing [0]
- Addr16 (Wide SCSI address 16):
16 bit SCSI addressing [0/1]
[Byte 7]
- RelAdr (Relative addressing):
Relative logical block addressing [0]
- WBus32 (32-bit wide data transfer):
Data transfer on a 4-byte bus [0]
- WBus16 (16-bit wide data transfer):
Data transfer on a 2-byte bus [0/1]
- Sync (Scychronous data transfer
Data transfer in the synchronous mode [1]
- Linked (Linked command):
Command link function [1]
- TTD (Target transfer disable):
Target transfer disable message [1]
- CmdQue (Command queuing):
Tagged command queuing feature [1]
- SftRe (Soft Reset):
Soft reset condition [0]
h. Vendor ID field
This field indicates the name of the product's supplier in left-justified ASCII code, and always
indicates FUJITSU. The unused right end is space for the ASCII code.