
E.1 What is User Editor?
User Editor is an application that is used for editing a scanner mail address book (My List)
or local accounts.
A scanner mail address book or local accounts can be edited from a computer by
connecting the computer installed with User Editor to a scanner via the network interface.
User Editor facilitates operations such as outputting a mail address book or local accounts
in a file (CSV format), and importing and saving a number of e-mail addresses in a file to
a scanner.
z Editing a mail address book
A regular user can edit an e-mail address book (My List) and create a group in the
mail address book by using User Editor, so that the e-mail addresses can be
grouped by purpose and managed in a group.
z Editing local accounts
An administrator can create local accounts and save them in the scanner by using
User Editor. Local accounts can be used for authenticating to the scanner.
For the system requirements for User Editor, refer to "E.2.1 Requirements for User Editor"
(page 498).
User Editor
Load and edit
- Mail address book
- Local accounts
CSV format
- Mail address book
- Local accounts
- Mail address book
- Local accounts
Load and edit