U41243-J-Z156-1-76 3
Introduction Features
Power supply
The server is equipped with three power supplies. This ensures a power supply
redundancy. If a defect occurs in one unit, the other units ensures unimpaired
further operation. The defective power supply unit can be replaced during
operation (hot-plug power supply).
The server contains two independent cooling subsystems:
– The upper system for cooling the system board, the I/O board and the upper
part of the control panel.
– The lower system for cooling the memory modules, drive cages and the
power supplies.
Both subsystems offer redundant cooling capabilities. As shipped from the
factory, the minimum configuration includes six fans in the upper cooling system
and three power supplies (each with an integrated fan) in the lower cooling
I All chassis covers must be on the system for proper cooling.
Hot-plug PCI
The server is equipped with four PCI buses with six hot-plug PCI slots (33 MHz)
and four hot-plug PCI slots (100 MHz). Boards in these slots can be replaced
during operation if required.
High level of availability and failure protection
When accessing stored data, 1-bit-errors in the main memory are automatically
recognized and corrected (ECC = Error Checking and Correction). The
patented memory scrubbing function regularly starts up the EDC mechanism
and thus ensures continuous data integrity.
ASR&R (Automatic Server Reconfiguration and Restart) tunes out defective
system components during an automatic system reboot.
The Prefailure Detection and Analyzing Technology (PDA) reports the threat of
system errors or problems to the system administrator so that preventative
measures can be taken.
The hot-swap-capable hard disks provide additional protection.