28-03-2003 Page 2-13 of 53
Framing error (?: 3F
If the input data cannot be printed correctly and instead “!” or “?” is printed,
the transmission conditions between the host device and the PRN607-S
most likely does not match. If this happens, adjust the conditions so that
they match.
2.6.3 Thermal Head Control
Data Transfer to the Thermal Head
The PRN607-S transfers one dot line of data at 4 Mbps synchronized with
the CLOCK signal.
The data is transferred in order to the shift register inside the thermal head
from the left (when facing the paper feed direction).
The transferred data is then transferred by the head latch signal to the latch
register inside the thermal head. Turning on the head strobe signal initiates
printing of one dot line of data on the thermal paper.
2.6.4 Thermal Head Drive Operation
Generally, when the line thermal head is operating, the line is divided into
several blocks, which are activated one after another in succession.
For the line thermal head of the FTP607MCLxxx printer mechanism, the
line is divided into 3 blocks called physical blocks, 64 dots with each. A
strobe signal (DST1 to DST3) is allocated to each physical block to activate
it. To drive the head, physical blocks are activated in groups. The group of
physical blocks is called a logical block.
For the PRN607-S either dynamic division or fixed division can be selected
as the method of division for logical blocks. This selection is made through
a function. See settings for more information.
2.6.5 Peak power limitation
The PRN607-S counts the number of dots activated in each physical block
and groups the physical blocks into logical blocks to print a single dot line
so that the number does not exceed the specified maximum number of
activated dots. The PRN607-S determines logical blocks each time it prints
a single dot line.
In dynamic division, in order to avoid unclear printing, at the first step of the
motor the thermal head is driven and at the second step the paper is fed.
Also, since the order of the printing blocks and printing speed are changed
in each dot line according to the content of the print data, print quality may
be lower than that in fixed division. If print quality is regarded as important,
printing in fixed division is recommended.
The maximum number of activated dots in the initialisation status is
specified using the function switches.