
28-03-2003 Page 4-24 of 53
4.9.21 Request Software version
[Name] Request software version
[Format] ASCII ETB
Hex 17
Decimal 23
[Description] When the printer controller receives this byte the software
version will be transmitted. This command can be treated
even if buffer is full.
4.9.22 Request Status
[Name] Request status
[Format] ASCII CAN
Hex 18
Decimal 24
[Description] When the printer controller receives this byte a status byte
will be transmitted. This command can be treated even if
buffer is full.
The bit definitions is as follows
Bit Status 0 1
0 Near end Logic level is low Logic level is high
1 Paper Present Absent
2 Temperature Not too hot Head too hot to print
3 Head Closed Open
4 Paper Jam No error Error
5 Rxerror No error Rx error
6 Buffer Not full. Full (less than 16 bytes left)
7 Always 1.
4.9.23 Request Analog voltage.
[Name] Analog voltage
[Format] ASCII EM
Hex 19
Decimal 25
[Description] When the printer controller receives this byte the digital
value of the head voltage will be transmitted. This
command can be treated even if buffer is full