28-03-2003 Page 3-32 of 53
40 H H 40 92 FS | 92
41 I I 41 93 GS } 93
42 J J 42 94 RS ~ 94
43 K K 43 95 US DEL 95
44 L L 44 96 FNC3 FNC3 96
45 M M 45 97 FNC2 FNC2 97
46 N N 46 98 SHIFT SHIFT 98
47 O O 47 99 Code C Code C 99
48 P P 48 100 Code B FNC 4 Code B
49 Q Q 49 101 FNC 4 Code A Code A
50 R R 50 102 FNC 1 FNC 1 FNC1
51 S S 51
3.8.42 Black Mark
[Name] Set black mark parameters:
[Format] ASCII RS n
Hex 1E n
Decimal 30 n
[Range] n: [-15;15]
[Description] When Black mark is enabled:
[Format] ASCII ESC+205+3+97+m+n+o
Hex 1B CD 03 61 m n o
Decimal 27 205 3 97 m n o
[Range] m = Page length 1…255
n = Paper offset 1…255
o = Black mark length 1…255
[Description] At printer stop on black mark the paper will be
forwarded the full length of the black mark. Paper out is
detected if full length of the Black Mark is feeded and
sensor does not detect paper.
At no paper in printer and printing is requested, form
feed of black Mark Length will be executed. At no paper
detected the printer will stop.
FF=0xC Feed paper forward until next Black Mark or
rest of page whatever comes first.
The following values can be set:
PAGE LENGTH (default 150mm) This value is the
paper length