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7 Appendix
7.1 Seiko compatible command set (optional)
7.1.1 Escape sequences, overview.
CR CR Carriage Return
ESC+ ‘ J ’ +n Print and Feed Forward
ESC+ ‘ j ’ +n Print and Feed Backward
ESC+ ‘ 2 ’ 16-dot Line Spacing
ESC+ ‘ 0 ’ 4-dot Line Spacing
ESC+ ‘A’+n or ESC+ ‘3’+n n-
Line Spacing
ESC+ SP+n Character Spacing
ESC+ ‘ s ’+nl+nr Left/Right Character Spacing
ESC+ ‘ U ’+n Inverse Print
DC2+ ‘ Y’ +n Character Rotation
ESC+ ‘ - ’ +n Underline
SO Double-Width (with automatic reset )
DC4 Double-Width (with automatic reset)
ESC+ ‘ W ’+n Double-Width
ESC+ ‘ w ’+n Double-Height
ESC+ ‘ I ’+n Reverse
DC2+ ‘ F ’+n Font Size Selection
ESC+ ‘ t ’+n Character Set Select
ESC+ ‘ & ’ + s + e+ Font Data Downloaded Character
ESC+ ‘ % ’ + n Downloaded Character Select
DC2+ ‘ D ’+n Downloaded Character Area Operation
ESC+ ‘+’ + k1 + k2+ ESC+ ‘+’ + k1 + k2+ Font Data
FS+ ‘ 2 ’ + k1 + k2+ Font Data User-Defined Character
ESC+ ‘ K ’ or FS+ ‘ & ’ Kanji Mode Specify
ESC+ ‘ H’ or FS+ ‘. ’ Kanji Mode Clear
DC2+ ‘ G ’+n User Defined Character Area
DC2+ ‘ P ’ + s + e+ x + y + Font Data Option Font Define
DC2+ ‘ O ’+n Option Font Select/Deselect