*1: Supplied with S1500.
*2: Supplied with S1500M.
ScanSnap Manager
Use this Help when questions
or problems regarding opera-
tions (e.g. when setting items)
This provides an explanation of
every operation, window, and
Refer to this by either of the following
• Right-click the [ScanSnap Manager]
taskbar icon , and then select [Help]
→ [Help].
• Click the Help button ( ) for
ScanSnap Manager.
• Press the [F1] key on the keyboard
while a window is displayed.
• Click the [Help] button on each window.
• Click and hold the [ScanSnap
Manager] icon in the Dock, and
then select [Help] → [Help].
• Click the Help button ( ) for
ScanSnap Manager.
• From the menu bar, select [Help] →
[ScanSnap Manager Help].
ScanSnap Organizer
Help (*1)
For details about how to start up help,
refer to the User's Guide for each product.
CardMinder Help (*1)
Cardiris Help (*2) From the menu bar, select [Help] →
[Cardiris Help].
ABBYY FineReader for
ScanSnap Help (*2)
From the menu bar, select [Help] →
[FineReader for ScanSnap Help].
Adobe Acrobat Help From the menu bar, select [Help] →
[Acrobat Help].
Manual Description Reference Method