
ServerView Remote Management Frontend 23
Remote Management Frontend ... starting via the Operations Manager
You can click on one of the displayed buttons (except for iRMC Web) to start the
Remote Management Frontend. The corresponding Remote Management
Frontend user interface (Remote Management window) is then displayed. The
structure and controls of the Remote Management window are described in
section “The Remote Management Frontend user interface” on page 33.
iRMC Telnet
Clicking the iRMC Telnet button opens the Remote Management window for
the Remote Manager (see page 34) and allows you to establish a non-
secure Telnet connection to the managed server via iRMC/ iRMC S2
(see page 42).
Clicking the iRMC SSH button opens the Remote Management window for
the Remote Manager (see page 34) and allows you to establish a secure
SSH connection to the managed server via iRMC/ iRMC S2 (see
page 42).
iRMC Power Management
Clicking the iRMC Power Management button opens the managed server's
Remote Management window for text console redirection and power
management on the managed server (see page 38).
iRMC Web
Clicking the iRMC Web button starts the iRMC/ iRMC S2 web interface
(see the manuals “iRMC - integrated Remote Management Controller”
and “iRMC S2 - integrated Remote Management Controller”).