44 ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Establishing a Telnet/SSH connection and logging into the Remote
I The example below describes the establishment of Telnet/SSH
connection to the managed PRIMERGY server via an iRMC/ iRMC S2.
The establishment of a Telnet connection to a PRIMERGY server via an
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) is very similar.
Proceed as follows:
Ê In the Operations Manager Remote Management view, click the iRMC Telnet or
iRMC SSH button:
Figure 14: Operations Manager: Remote Management view - starting Remote Manager
The Java applet for the Telnet or SSH connection is started and the Remote
Management window is displayed (here we use the example of an SSH
connection, see figure 15 on page 45).
I If the screen displays for SSH and Telnet connections differ only with
respect to the connection-specific information displayed, the display
for an SSH connection is shown below.