Viewing Additional XM Weather Information
Use the Information sub tab to view the radio identication number,
service level information, and list of weather products.
Information Sub Tab
Radio ID
List of available
weather features
Age (in minutes) of weather data
The Information sub tab contains the following information:
Radio ID—contains the eight-digit identication number of the
radio built into your GXM 30 antenna. You must provide this ID to
XM to start your XM Radio and XM WX Weather subscriptions.
Service Level—shows the name of the XM WX Weather
subscription plan you purchased.
Weather Products—shows a list of all weather features you can
access based on your subscription plan. Shows age of weather data
in minutes.
Accessing GXM 30 Antenna Information
Use the Information sub tab to obtain version information about
your GXM 30 antenna.
To view information about your GXM 30 antenna:
1. Highlight the XM tab on the Main Menu.
2. Select the Information sub tab.
3. Press MENU.
4. With Antenna Information highlighted, press ENTER. A
window appears showing the software version loaded to your
GXM 30 antenna.
5. Press ENTER to close the window.
100 GPSMAP 378/478 Owner’s Manual
usIng XM WX WeAther > usIng the WeAther tAb