Navigating a Saved Route
Use the Navigate Route option to select and navigate a saved route.
To navigate a saved route:
1. Press the NAV key.
2. Highlight Navigate Route, and press ENTER.
3. Highlight a route, and press ENTER.
Select a route
from list
Editing a Route
After you create a route, use the Route Review Page to edit, change
the name, and review route points of a selected route.
To change the name of the route:
1. Highlight the Route tab on Main Menu.
2. Highlight the name of the route, and press ENTER.
3. With the Route Review Page open, highlight the route name
eld at the top of the page, and press ENTER.
Route Review Page
Enter a new
Route name
4. Use the ROCKER to enter the route name, and press
GPSMAP 378/478 Owner’s Manual 21
MArIne Mode > creAtIng And usIng routes