
Rino 520HCx and 530HCx Owner’s Manual 13
BaSIc operatIon
temporarily turns off the squelch, allowing you to hear
the open channel. If you see an “Activity...” message,
there is activity on the selected channel, but the incoming
signal is not audible if it does not match the code. Choose
“monitor” to hear all the activity on a channel.
To scan or monitor a channel:
1. Select the Scan or Monitor button. Scan starts
searching through the available channels.
Monitor opens the channel to listen to any radio
transmissions on that channel.
2. To stop using either option, select the button.
To set up a Scanlist:
1. Open the option menu and select Setup Scanlist.
2. To add or remove a channel from the list, select
the channel and press Enter to add or remove the
check mark in front of the name. Only channels
that are checked are scanned.
3. To select all channels or clear all channels, select
either the Select All or Clear All.
4. To Scan Current Codes, select the option menu,
choose a setting, and press Enter.
Radio Page Option Menu
Use the Radio page option menu to customize aspects of
your Rino such as setting up the radio, programming call
and ring tones, and setting up a scanlist.