
26 Rino 520HCx and 530HCx Owner’s Manual
BaSIc operatIon
Tracks Setup
Saved Tracks and Track Log—(Scale options)
Off, Auto, or 20 ft–500 miles, sets the maximum
scale at which the feature should appear on the
screen. Some types of data appear only at certain
zoom scales.
Track Points—select the number of track points
per track. Up to 10,000 active Track Points allowed.
Go To Line—Bearing to or Course line shown on
a Go To route.
Map Points Setup
Map Points, User Waypoints, Street Label, and
Land Cover—Off, Auto, or 20 ft–500 miles; sets
the maximum scale at which that feature should
appear on the screen. Some types of data appear
only at specic zoom scales.
Text Setup
Map Points, User Waypoints, Street Label, and
Land Cover—None, Small, Medium, or Large;
control the size of the text shown.
Map Information Setup
Show—check box; check mark determines if map
data is used or not. Option Menu allows you to
choose to show all, show none, or show specic
MapSource Data.
Marine Setup
Marine Colors, Spot Soundings, Light Sectors,
and Symbol Set—Options for categories are On,
Off, and Auto.
Measuring Distance
To use the Measure Distance option:
1. Select Measure Distance from the option menu
and then press Enter to show the Panning Arrow.
Ref appears under the arrow.
Use the Rocker to move about on the Map page
until you reach the point to which you want to
measure. A eld appears showing the location of the
pointer and the direction and distance.
3. To begin measuring from a different point, press
Enter at the selected location.