Keys &
Squelch Key - This key breaks the squelch
(unmutes the audio) when pressed and held. It
is also sed to set the squelch threshold (the
level at which only strong signals can be
received). The squelch threshold is set by
pressing and holding the squelch key while
using the UP/DOWN keys to adjust the
squelch level from 0 to 9. At level 0, all signals
can be heard, while at level 9, only the stron-
gest signals can be heard. Adjusting the squelch
level eliminates weak, unwanted signals, as
explained on page 17.
H/L (High/Low) Power Key - This key toggles
the transmitter power level from High (5 watts)
to Low (1 watt) when pressed and released. It
also locks the keypad when pressed and held
for more than one second.. The Power key,
PTT key, backlighting key and the Squelch key
still function in the Lock mode. Locking the
keypad prevents inadvertent changing of
channel settings and feature modes.
Squelch Key
H/L Power Key