
Important Information for First Time Users About
Operating a Marine Radio
If you are a first time user of a marine radio, you should be aware
of methods for operating your GARMIN VHF 725e.
International VHF Radio communication is governed by the
International Telecommunications Union. (ITU). Rules and
Regulations for use of International Band channels vary throughout
the countries under ITU jurisdiction. It is therefore recommended
that you obtain information about VHF radio use for the specific
areas of planned use.
If you plan to use the USA Channel Band, we recommend that
you obtain a copy of the “Maritime Radio Users Handbook” an
authoritative handbook prepared by the Radio Technical Commis-
sion for Maritime Services, Post Office Box 19087, Washington,
D.C. 20036. Although a Federal Communication Commission
(FCC) license is no longer required for individual operator use, you
must comply with all applicable FCC rules and regulations.
Marine radio communication within Canadian boundaries is
governed by Industry Canada (RIC), Marine Communications
Traffic Services. If you plan to use the 725e in this jurisdiction, it
recommended that you obtain information concerning radio
operation rules and regulations.
For safety and efficient navigation of vessels, the maritime radio
frequency bands are separated into four groups. Specific frequencies
within each are assigned for particular safety and functional
Radio Services