36" All-Refrigerator and All-Freezer Units
wine rack
(on all
The wine rack isdesigned to hold a bottle
on its side and will fit on any shelf.
To relocate the wine rack: Pull the wine rack
straight out, position its lip over the right edge
of the shelf you want to suspend it from and push
it all the way in.
Some doorshelvesareadjustableand can
be moved up and down tomeet yourstorage
needs,The deeperdoorshelvesmustbe placed
To remove: Liftthe shelf up and slide it
towards you.
Product Kit
(available at
extra cost)
The Sabbath Mode Product Kitwas designed
for use on the Jewish Sabbath and Holidays.
The Sabbath Mode feature makes it possible
for observant Jews to refrigerate and freeze
food during the duration of the holiday.
The Sabbath Mode feature can be set to override
typical reactions to actions in your refrigerator.
While in the Sabbath Mode, your refrigerator will
still operate normally. However, the refrigerator
will not respond to your actions.
While in the Sabbath Mode, you may notice
the fan running when the door is opened;
however, this isnot a result of your actions.
The fan will operate at random times.
The defrost heater will continue to defrost
the refrigerator and freezer and will be activated
on a timer. The defrost heater will not defrost
as a result of door openings or any consumer
ON/OFF--To activate, raise the top grille
panel and set the Sabbath Mode switch to
the ON position. A green LEDlight will be visible
below the Sabbath Mode Kit switch. The light
will be visible when the grille isclosed between
the grille door and compartment doors.
temperature control displays will be deactivated;
therefore they will not be lit, sound a tone or
operate when touched. Door alarms and lights
will be disabled.
ICEMAKER--Theicemaker will continue
to operate. The icemaker can be disabled by
setting the icemaker power switch to the OFF
position (seeAutomatic Icemoker).To obtain ice,
open the freezer door and remove the cubed ice
from the ice bin.
This Sabbath Mode Product Kit can be purchased
from your local appliance dealer.TheZSAB1Kit
isdesigned for usewith all Monogram Built-In
Refrigerators manufactured after 2008.
Tolocate your nearest dealer,visit our web site
monogram.cam or call 1.800.626.2000.InCanada,
call 1.800.561.3344.Order Kit# ZSABI.
NOTE:The Sabbath Mode Product Kit must
be installed by a qualified service technician.
NOTE:If installing the refrigerator and freezer as
a pair, 2 Sabbath Mode Kits must be ordered.