Care and Cleaning
36" All-Refrigerator and All-Freezer Units
Door handles and trim-Clean with a cloth
dampened with soapgwater. Drgwith a soft cloth.
Keepthe outside clean.Wipe with a clean
cloth lightlu dampened with mildliquid dish
detergent. Drywith aclean, softcloth.
Do notwipe the refrigerator/freezer with a soiled
dishcloth or wet towel.Thesemag leavea residue
that can damage the finish.Donot usescouring
pads, powdered cleaners,bleach or cleaners
containing bleach because these products
can scratch and damage the finish.
Stainless steeI--Regularlu cleanand polish
the StainlessSteelDoor Panelsand Handles
(onsome models)with acommercially available
stainlesssteel cleanersuch as StainlessSteelMagiC"
to preserve and protect thefine finish.StainlessSteel
Magic isavailablethrough GEPartsand Accessories,
800.626.2002,or ge.com.Order part number
Donot useappliancewax or polishon the stainless
I_ o helpprevent odors, leave
an open boxof bakingsoda
in the refrigerator/freezer.
Turn off power at the circuit
breaker or fuse box before
cleaning. Ifthis isnot practical,
wring excessmoisture out of
sponge or cloth when cleaning around switches,
lights or controls.
Usewarm water and bakingsoda solution-
about a tablespoon (15 ml)of bakingsoda
to a quart (1liter)of water.Thisboth cleans
and neutralizesodors.Thoroughlu rinse
and wipe dru.
Other parts of the refrigerator/freezer- including
door gaskets,meat and vegetable drawers, ice
storage bin and all plastic parts-can be cleaned
the same way. After cleaning the door gaskets,
applu a thin lauer of petroleumjellu to the door
gaskets at the hinge side.This helpskeepthe
gasketsfrom stickingand bending out of shape.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves with hot water
because the extreme temperature difference
may cause them to break. Handle glass shelves
carefully. Rough handling of tempered glass can
cause it to shatter.
Do not wash any plastic refrigerator/freezer parts
in the dishwasher.