the value will be stored in the lot 00 (log on demand data area). If
the print function is enabled, a printout is also produced providing the
following information:
a - Date
b - Sample number
c - Time
d - Readings ("----" means out of
range or probe not connected)
Note: When the Log on demand data area is full and the LOG key is
pressed, the sample will not be stored and the LCD will display
"FULL". In this case it is necessary to delete the Log on demand
data to proceed.
If the ALT and LOT INFO keys are pressed during logging, the meter
displays for a few seconds the current lot and the number of logged
samples. The meter then returns to normal operational mode auto-
If ALT and LOT INFO are pressed while the meter is not logging, the
last logged lot in the lower LCD and the number of logged samples in
the upper LCD are displayed. It is then possible to scroll through the
following lot information with the " key:
• lot starting date (dd.mm)
• lot starting year
• lot starting time (hh.mm)
• lot logging interval
• logged channels (HI 98804 only)
By pressing the " key again, the meter displays the number of
logged samples again.
When the number of logged samples is displayed, it possible to pass
to another lot with the # and ! keys. Press ! to view the older
lots or # to view the more recent ones.
If # is pressed when the last lot is displayed, the meter displays the
lot 00 (log on demand). By pressing the # key again, the meter will
pass to the oldest lot.
Note For lot 00, only the number of samples will be displayed.
To exit from the logging info viewing mode press ALT and LOT INFO
again or CH/TIME (HI98804 only) or TEMP/TIME (HI98801 only).
logged reading will appear briefly on the LCD. To reactivate the
LCD press ON/OFF.
In order to stop the recording mode, press
ALT and LOG keys (press ON/OFF first, if
meter is in sleep mode).
A last printout reporting the number of logged
samples (e.g. S.00009) will be produced if
printer is enabled.
• It is recommended to use the adapter during logging in printing
mode, especially when many printouts are going to be taken.
• Before proceeding with logging with printing, make sure there is
enough paper for your measurements. When the paper is finished
the meter will not advise the operator and the printouts could be
lost. If this happens, data will continue to be stored in memory,
and it is always possible to print the data at a later time through
setup code 00.
• It is possible to insert a new paper roll during logging session.
• Once in the logging mode, the interval cannot be changed. Exit
the logging mode first (pressing the ALT and LOG keys) to set a
new interval.
• If the LOG key is pressed while in logging with printing mode, a
printout is produced without affecting the running sample number
and the value is stored in Log on demand area.
Printout is automatically disabled when battery charge weakens. The
last message "Stop log" will be printed and data will continue to be
stored in memory with the LOG and LOBAT
symbols blinking on LCD. If the user attempts
to enable the printer while in low battery
condition the message "bAtt" will appear for
a few seconds on the LCD.
Note: When an external adapter or new batteries are connected, the
printing must be manually enabled in order to return to logging
with printing mode.
In measuring or Timed log mode, press LOG to store
the current reading. The LCD will display "Stor" and