cod. 33: Year
cod. 40: Auto OFF
cod. 41: Battery test
cod. 50: Baud rate
cod. 60: Release code
cod. 70: Thermocouple type
cod. 71: Celsius or Fahrenheit
cod. 99: Pass Code
Some of the most important functions are explained below in a step by
step sequence.
TO SCAN LOGGED DATA (HI98801 and HI98804 only)
COD. 00 - Lot data Printing / Scrolling
• Select the code 00.
• The message "Lot data Printing" will scroll twice across LCD.
• The upper LCD will then display L 00
with the 00 blinking.
• Set the desired lot by the arrow keys. L00 is the lot of data of the
"log on demand" and L 01 to L 16 are the lots of the "timed log".
• Press the ALT and CFM keys to confirm the lot number.
• If the lot doesn't contain data, the "no data" message will scroll
across the LCD twice and the meter will return to setup mode.
• If the lot contains one or more data the
LCD will display the sample number in
its upper part and Sn in the lower part.
Note: In the L 00 lot (log on demand) the sample number will be
displayed with 3 digits (001).
• Select the sample number to scan by the arrow keys.
Printing logged data
• Press ALT and CFM to print logged data.
• If the selected sample number is invalid (equal to 0 or bigger than
the number of samples), the "Err" message will be displayed for a
few seconds.
• If the sample number is correct, the samples starting from the
selected one to the last sample of the lot will be printed. To stop
printing before the last sample is reached, press and hold the ALT
and PAPER keys until the printer stops.
• During printout the LCD will display the sample number being
printed at that moment. If printout is stopped the LCD will show
Code Valid values Default
10 Show GLP data
11 Calibration alarm time-out On(enabled); Off(disabled) On
20 Instrument ID code 0000÷9999 0000
30 Current time
hh:mm 00:00
31 Current day
dd 01
32 Current month
MM 01
33 Current year
YYYY 1998
40 Auto-Off/Power down time-out Off,5,10,15,30,45,60 5
41 Battery level test
50 RS232 baud rate
1200, 2400, 4800 4800
60 Firmware version
70 Thermocouple type selection "dEF"(K) ; "J"(J) ; "t"(T) "dEF"
71 Celsius/Fahrenheit selection °C ; °F °C
99 Password
0000÷9999 0000
Note: If a wrong code is entered the "Err" message is displayed on
LCD for a few seconds.
Note: Code 05 has a different function in HI9880x and HI9870x
series as explained in detail in the following.
In HI 98801 and HI 98804 only.
In HI 98701 and HI 98704 only.
The meter automatically checks for entered time/date accuracy as follows:
0≤hh≤23; 0≤mm≤59; 01≤dd≤28/29/30/31; 1≤MM≤12; 1998≤YYYY≤2097.
To change the password, the correct code must be entered first. If the password
has been forgotten, the password protected features are no longer accessible; in
this case contact your nearest Hanna Service Center.
cod. 00: Lot data Printing
cod. 01: Lot table Printing
cod. 02: Printer enable
cod. 03: Log Interval
cod. 05: Press "ALT CFM" to reset the sample number or "ALT FNC" to escape
or: Press "ALT CFM" to delete Lot00 or "ALT FNC" to escape
cod. 06: Press "ALT CFM" to delete Lot 01-16 or "ALT FNC" to escape
cod. 10: GLP
cod. 11: Calibration alarm time-out
cod. 20: Instrument ID Code
cod. 30: Hour - Minute
cod. 31: Day
cod. 32: Month