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(2) Thumbnail Directory
The default directory of thumbnail images is "C:\Windows\Temp". It can be set here at any
directory. If the thumbnail directory is changed, all of existing image thumbnails are re-
created in the new directory when the images are opened. It is recommended not to
change the thumbnail directory frequently.
(3) Data Entry/Measurement
Use for selection of font type and size for Data Entry function and CD Measurement function.
(4) Print Size
Set the image size when pasted on some other application software which supports X
Resolution/Y Resolution parameter included in the header part of image files.
Input horizontal size in mm into the left size box. The vertical size is automatically set.
For example, Aldus Page Maker and Adobe PhotoShop will support it in TIFF format images.
Microsoft Word supports it in Bitmap format images.
Fig. 3.11-22 Option Settings Window Image Information Embedding Tab