Table 1: Star Key Features.
Note: The Star mode must be enabled for the Star features to operate.
Power LED: The green power LED remains lit whenever the system is connected to the a.c.
mains power supply and a charged stand-by battery. A mains power failure is indicated by the
LED flashing slowly. A fuse or battery failure is indicated by the LED flashing quickly.
Your User Code: is a four digit personal identification number which identifies you to, and allows
you to operate, the system.
Note: Entry of an invalid code will cause the keypad to display the message INVALID CODE.
Entry of six consecutive invalid codes will cause a ten minute keypad lockout during
which the keypad horns activate and the keypad displays the message ALARM IS
ACTIVE. No further code entries will be recognised during the lockout period.
The star key is used as a shift key, when combined with other keys it provides additional
system features. To toggle the enable status of the Star key features enter either the manager
code (User 14) at the keypad and then hold down the Star (¸) key and press the esc key; after
a second the keypad displays ¸ ENABLE ON, or, ¸ ENABLE OFF; release both keys.
Star (
¸) Key Features
+edoC.rgM ¸3
+edoC ¸6 .sliatedmetsyseritneehtstnirP
+edoC ¸7 .goltneveeritneehtstnirP
+edoC.rgM ¸ tne
+edoC.rgM ¸ cse selggoT ¸ .ffO/nOseutaefyek
61yxalaG sulp .ylno