
Chime: Zone attribute which gives an audible indication of the activation of a detector
or contact.
Duress: Applicable when a remote signalling device is fitted. A Duress code entered at
the keypad will unset the system but transmit a Duress code to the Alarm
Receiving Centre.
Entry Time: The preset time allowed for users to reach the keypad and unset the system.
Exit Time: The preset time allowed for users to leave the building after the setting routine
has been initiated.
Exit Terminator: A switch or push-button located outside the protected area and used to set the
Event Log: The control panel memory which stores, in sequence, a record of the system
Final Exit: The last door closed or detector operated by the user on exit.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display.
Non–omit: An alarm circuit which cannot be omitted (bypassed) by the user.
Numeric Keypad: The unit comprising the LCD display and buttons that is the interface between
users and the system.
Omit: Setting the system with alarm zones excluded from the system. Only zones
programmed as “omittable” by the engineer can be omitted.
PA Panic Alarm: an emergency button or switch used to set off the alarm; results
in instantaneous transmission of a silent alarm signal using the remote signal-
ling device.
Part Set: To set only a section of the full system.
Programme: To alter the system functions or parameters.
Set: To arm the system.
Unset: To disarm the system.
User Code: A four digit code that identifies users to the system.
Walk Test: A routine test of the alarm detectors.
Security Circuit: An alarm circuit which has been programmed to be armed continuously
whether the system is set or not.