Rev 2.0
63-7048 1998 Honeywell Inc.
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Logic to determine if the fan is running is determined from the equipment inputs
so a current sensing relay is never required, providing additional savings to the
contractor on jobs that would normally require one.
Automatic Configuration and Diagnostics
Unlike AutoTrac
, the H1008 does not require a jumper selection if the control
is installed with either a bypass or powered flow through humidifier. The
H1008 also automatically detects whether or not the outdoor sensor is installed.
One final feature to help the installing contractor – a device status light (see
Figure 16). The flashing frequency of the light tells the contractor if the device
has power, if the humidification relay is energized, if the device is in “Test”
mode, or if the device has detected a sensor failure or some other hardware fault.
All of these features have been added for the same reason – to save the
contractor time.
Figure 16 – Device Status Light
The Honeywell H1008 Automatic Humidity Control: Sell It, or Choose to Sell
Against It
Well, there you have it. A complete description of the Honeywell H1008 Automatic
Humidity Control with HumidiCalc+
Software, the world’s most advanced stand-alone
humidity control. Summarized below is a direct comparison of the H1008 to the
, highlighting its many advantages, both in installation and performance. It is
essential that these advantages be communicated to the contractor, so they can make an
informed decision, because they do have a choice. They can choose to install Honeywell
humidifiers and the Honeywell H1008 Automatic Humidity Control with HumidiCalc+
Software. Or they can stick with AutoTrac
and sell against the contractors who have