Rev 2.0
63-7048 1998 Honeywell Inc.
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Direct Comparison Chart – Honeywell H1008 Automatic Humidity Control with HumidiCalc+ Software vs. AutoTrac
Honeywell H1008
Outdoor Sensor Not required for single stage furnaces. Recommended for
heat pumps and multi-stage furnaces.
Required for all installations at an incremental cost of $20
to $50 for new construction and 30 to 60 minutes
installation time for retrofit. Significant noise problems
reported due to sensor wiring.
Mounting ¾” diameter hole for inserting sensors into return air duct. 3” x 5” rectangular cutout in return air duct required for
mounting. Building inspectors sometimes require leaks
around the rectangular cutouts to be sealed by caulking or
Wiring Large screw terminals provided for wiring. Determining
fan operation automatically detected by control logic. 24
VAC input provided directly from HE360 Powered
Humidifier – no separate transformer required.
Miniature terminal blocks used for wiring. Model 50
current sensing relay required in applications without
humidifier contacts on furnace control board. Separate
transformer required for all installations to power control.
System Configuration and
No jumper selection required if the control is installed with
either a bypass or powered flow through humidifier.
Automatically detects whether or not the outdoor sensor is
installed. Device status light provides key diagnostics.
Jumper selection required to switch between flow through
and powered humidifier to avoid damage to equipment. No
diagnostics provided.
Sensors Absolute humidity control based on dewpoint performed
with duct-mounted humidity and temperature sensors.
Humidity sensor only.
Indoor Temperature
Dewpoint control allows for accurate control during
aggressive setback periods.
Sensing of relative humidity only. Lower window
temperatures caused by lower indoor temperatures not
accounted for which could cause overhumidification.
Return Air Duct Temperature
Dewpoint control allows for accurate control even if return
air temperature differs from living space.
Sensing of relative humidity only will cause large errors in
control if return air temperature differs from living space.
Bypass Air Affecting Control Dewpoint control allows for accurate control even if bypass
air affects sensor readings.
Sensing of relative humidity only will cause large errors in
control if bypass air affects sensor readings.