HH MMAM 0010000
Stop Time (For events 01-relay on/off; 02-user access; 03-latch key report)
01-12 = hour; 00-59 = minute; 0 = AM; 1 = PM; Days = place “1” under days
Press [
] to continue.
Enter the event’s stop time and days of the week to occur.
To select days, position the cursor under the desired days using the [∗] key to move
forward, then press “1” to select the day.
0-4 X
Repeat Option
0 = do not repeat; 1 = repeat weekly; 2 = repeat biweekly (every other week)
3 = repeat every third week; 4 = repeat every fourth week
Press [
] to continue.
Enter the desired repeat option for this schedule.
e.g., To make a schedule that happens everyday you would select all days with a repeat
count of 1. To make a schedule that runs for one week then stops, select everyday with a
repeat count of 0.
0=NO 1=YES X
Randomize (For events 01 and 11)
0 = no; 1 = yes
Press [
] to continue.
If selected, the scheduled start and stop times will vary within 60 minutes of the “hour”
time. For example, if a schedule is set to start at 6:15pm, it will do so the first time 6:15pm
arrives, but on subsequent days it will start anytime between 6:00 and 6:59 p.m.
NOTE: Do not use the random option if the start and stop times are within the same “hour”
setting, otherwise unpredictable results may occur (e.g., the randomized stop time may occur
before the start time).
Installation and Setup Guide