System Security Codes
The systems provides one Installer code, one System Master code, plus a set of other user codes intended
for other users of the system. These codes can each be assigned one of 5 authority levels, which determine
the functions each code can perform as listed in the table below.
VISTA-20P: Provides 48 security codes (plus Installer code), including one System Master code, two
Partition Master codes, and 45 general user codes.
VISTA-15P: Provides 32 security codes (plus Installer code), including one System Master code and 31
general user codes.
Authority Levels (can be assigned to users 03-49 only; users 1 and 2 cannot be changed)
Level User No. Functions
Installer 01
(default=4112) perform all security functions except can disarm only if used to arm; can
enter program mode; can change System Master code; cannot assign any other user
(default 1234) only one system master code per system; can perform all security
functions, add/delete users in either partition, change system master code, view event
log, set system clock, program keypad macro, program scheduled events, activate output
devices (triggers/relays)
P1 = 03
P2 = 33
VISTA-20P. Same as Master, except add/delete users limited to assigned partition
only, (these users can be assigned different authority levels, if desired; any user can be
assigned the partition master authority level)
0-User 03-49 (V20P)
03-33 (V15P)
perform security functions (arm, disarm, etc.) only; cannot add/delete users, view event
log, set system clock or program scheduled events
1-Arm Only see “user” arm system only
2-Guest see “user” can disarm the system only if it was used to arm the system
3-Duress see “user”
performs security functions, but also silently sends a duress message to the central
station; reports as duress code user number.
see “user”
VISTA-20P. See Partition Master paragraph above; used to assign other user numbers
as partition masters
Refer to the user guide for detailed procedures on adding/deleting security codes and changing user
The following is a brief description of how to add user codes.
Changing the System Master code...
Using Installer code: Installer code + [8] + 02 + new code
Using current System Master code: System Master code + [8] + 02 + new code + new code again
Adding a User Code: Master code + [8] + 2-digit user no. + user’s code
Deleting a User Code: Master code + [8] + 2-digit user no. + [#] [0]
Assigning Attributes: Master code + [8] + 2-digit user no. + [#] [attribute no.] + value
Attributes: Values
1 = Authority Level 0-4 (see Authority Level table above)
2 = Access Group 0-8 (0 = not assigned to a group)
3 = Active Partition(s) 1, 2, 3 (common)
for this user; Enter partitions consecutively if more than one and press [#] to
end the entries.
4 = RF Zone No. Assigns user number to button type zone for arm/disarm
(keyfob must be enrolled in system first; see Wireless Key
Templates section).
5 = Open/Close Paging 1 for yes, 0 for no
Installation and Setup Guide