EN1B-0198GE51 R0801 21
For each channel the required termination setting
can be adjusted individually.
At the rear side of the device, a pictogram (Figure
5-2) symbolizes the different possible bus
Figure 5-2
normal XD505 compatible bus termination for
C- /S- /FS90-Bus connections
It is required to use this switch position
for S-Bus and FS90-Bus in any case. For
C-Bus connections, this position must
be used when at least one XL IRC or
XL MC is connected to the C-Bus.
XD508 compatible; bus termination
XD508 compatible switch position for
C-Busses equipped only with XL500
family controllers with bus termination
disabled. This switch position must be
used if the BNA device is installed in
the middle of such a C-Bus.